AlumniSCI is the network of professional conference interpreters graduated from the MA Programmes of the Bulgarian Univesities or Schools for Conference Interpreting recognised by the DG SCIC of the European Commission. Our goal is to create a real network of conference interpreters based on high standards, skills, quality, and precision in interpreting. United through this network, we will be able to defend and promote our diploma and professional skills.
AlumniSCI does not pretend to act as a substitute for the educational system, but rather to be its extension in professional circles. To that end, the association develop programmes and services around three main axes:

Programs & Services
- Create a directory of all EMCI graduates in Bulgaria.
- Promote exchanges between AlumniSCI and other networks.
- Share with EMCI students and all freshly graduated interpreters.
- Share with graduates from other EMCI Schools or Universities.
- Develop self-improvement ressources for professional interpreters.
- Organise seminars and conferences.
- Organise training sessions.
- Represent the interests of the EMCI graduates in Bulgaria and worldwide.
- Reflect on the development of the profession.
- Work on new technologies.
- Reflect on the health and the working conditions of the interpreter.
- Develop taskforces and research groups.
Our History
Since the creation of the SCI Master's programme in 2002, about 50 Bulgarian conference interpreters work for the Institutions of the EU. More than half of them are Bulgaria SCI MA programmes graduates from Sofia and Tarnovo Universities.
Sofia University
"St. Kliment Ohridski" 1888 -
Veliko Tarnovo University
St. Cyril and St. Methodius 1963 -
1st SCI
Master Program 2002 -
1st Bulgarian
Head of Unit at the EU 2007 -
1st BG Presidency
Council of the EU 2018 -
Alumni Official Site
Launched 2018
We are not just Interpreters, We are a network of professionalists
Even scattered around the world, we are a family that must stay united

Don’t Miss Awesome Story From Our Alumni
Join our network and become an actor of your professional carrer.